Food & drinks
Restaurant or second living room? It’s up to you. Work or just having a good time? You decide. This is a place for heartily discussions and relaxed moments, for meeting old friends and seeing new faces.

Welcome to NÒR. We celebrate Nordic cuisine but our flavors also stand a firm leg in Europe. That means that we make use of local ingredients but update them with central European flavors. Familiarity with a twist!
With style, finesse and a touch of magic, NÒR invites you to an unforgettable experience where you can find classic, favorite dishes spiced with new inspiration, creativity and courage. At NÒR we're not afraid to test our wings but we still keep one foot in history where we got our experience from. The best of two worlds!

Let’s face it. We are social creatures. Even when we need our privacy, we still want that feeling of belonging. Not least when we’re away from home, maybe in a new city, a new country.
That’s why we created The Social. A place based on the simple but essential idea of promoting togetherness and comfort.
We love the bistro classics, but also to surprise you now and then by adding an unexpected twist. The beer is always cold, and the wine list offers an inspiring trip around Europe. Casually stylish, The Social is the beating heart of our hotels, embodying our idea of great hospitality.